How to Create a Blog With Hugo and Github

   Forgive me pretty baby but I always take the long way home.

   Tom Waits

Do you want to create a webpage with some static content like a blog or some info page? Are you familiar with git, github, markdown and a code editor? You ok with paying 10 bucks a year for a domain name?

If you answered yes to those questions then you are in the right place.

You can go ahead and skip the caveats section where I present you with a rainbow of other possibilities. As Steven Weinberg usually says, “Sections marked with an asterisk are somewhat out of the book’s main line of development and may be omitted in a first reading”

Some caveats (*)

There are a million ways to create content for the Internet these days. Many of of them far easier than the one I am about to describe. But they all come with different trade offs.

For instance you could create an account with blogger, wordpress, wix, squarespace and a long list. Those tools are fine and they give you lot’s of stuff for free. First of all you just need to create an account and start writing content. You will have a full platform to help you create content in a way very similar to how you would create a power point or a word document. They will help you right out of the bat with things like Google analytics, comments, adwords and much more that you can get just by mindlessly clicking away.

So, what’s the catch? Well, remember the old adagio, “If you are not paying for it, you are the product”. Those places might put ads, trackers and cookies. I’m not sure you really own the contents you put it. Even though they might have a free tier, you will probably end up having to pay monthly if you need some extra feature. They are as flexible as the tailored tools allow. They are bloated software full of unused features. And they do have a learning curve. You will have to learn the nuts bolts of that platform of an un-transferable knowledge. Content in any of those platforms will not be easy to move to another if one day you decide to change. You might not be able to get your own domain name without paying or advertisement. But if you can live with some of those gotchas go for it, they are excellent. I have used them all! My favorite living mathematician, Terrence Tao, has a blog in wordpress. If you just want a blog, and don want to pay, blogger is fantastic. If you need a landing page for a business use wix or squarespace. and pay for it.

So, if you want to do it the free way, with not bloated software, owning your content, learning tools with transferable knowledge and are comfortable in the command line continue reading!

Even if you answer yes to all those questions, Hugo is not the only player in town. There are lots of others. Maybe the most famous one is Jekyll. It is not worse or better than Hugo, it’s just another one.

You do not need to use Github, you can as well in a very similar fashion use Gitlab. A yet different place would be Netlify.

To finalize, we will be using automated deployments that, in our case, came with the name of GitHub actions. This means that we will setup things in a way that you can make a change in your blog and the blog will update automatically. But you don’t need to do that. You can just as well build the site on your machine and then push the built bundle.

Setting everything up

You will need a couple of things, but with a bit of luck you already have all of those iun hand

  • You will need to own a domain name. Like If you don’t have one, you can get one for 10€ a year at namecheap.
  • Aside from that you will need a Github account. Go ahead, get one, it’s free!
  • Make sure you have git installed and that you can push and pull from Github.
  • Next thing you need to do is install Hugo.
  • Also, please make sure you have a code editor. If you don’t have a preference install Visual Studio Code from Microsoft, but any other will do.
  • Finally, and this is the most important part, think about some content. Something to get you started. It can be just a description about yourself and a brief post you want to make. You can just email you that content or write it in a word document, it doesn’t matter.

You can now jump to an introduction to Hugo or go and learn about GitHub and GitHub actions.

An introduction to Hugo, the static site generator

So what is Hugo?. It’s a static site generator. You give it some content in the form of markdown (mostly, but you will be able to upload images, JavaScript, CSS,…), make some choices and it produces a bunch of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you are into programing, this is the compilation stage.

Hugo, following the go programming language spirit, is a single binary. In less than 50Mb of a single file we have all the power we need. You can’t double click on it. It’s a CLI (command line interface) tool. But it has hundreds of options.

Let me walk you through it.

Open a terminal in your computer and write (you can follow Hugo quick start guide for comparison)

hugo new site <my-site-name>

Where <my-site-name> is anything you want, it doesn’t matter. It will be the name of the folder where all your code is sitting. Say you did:

hugo new site mysite

Then you will have to hop into that folder:

cd mysite

If you do an ls (or dir if you are on Windows), you will see the whole directory structure. There are a few folders, but they are mostly empty. Only one file in the root folder that we care about config.toml

Add a theme

Awesome GitHub

In this section we are going to crete a webpage served by GitHub.

I’m going to share a secret with you, GitHub is freaking awesome. And what they do for people is awesome. In this section we are going to learn how to host a webpage in GitHub. This is totally unrelated to Hugo.

There are two slightly different ways to host a webpage in GitHub.

  • You can host a page for a project of yours in https://<username><project-name>
  • You can host a page for the whole thing at https://<username>

The process is exactly the same, so I will just show you how to do the second way.

First thing you need to do is to create a new repository with this very special name: <username> For example, here is mine:

Nicolás ‘root’ repo

This is your first exercise, ready? Create the repo and add an index.html file. If you don’t know what to write just copy/paste this:

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>My First GitHub hosted page</title>
    <div>I feel this blog is going <span style="color: red">places</span>!</div>

This is just code. It’s not a webpage just yet. Tu turn it into a webpage, click settings in your project and scroll down to the very bottom until you see GitHub Pages.

You can use GitHub to host the source code of a project of yours. For instance I have a project here that allows you to plot functions using the Lua programming language!

GitHub Actions (*)

In this sections we will create the content in Markdown and use GitHub actions to generate the HTML for us. In passing you will learn about some very important ideas of modern software development such us continuos integration (CI) and containers (docker).

Custom domain

In this section we will lear how to use our custom domain instead of the GitHub URL. Visitors of your blog will not be aware that all the content is in GitHub!

Favicon (*)

Your website probably needs a favicon. The easiest way is to go to one of the many favicon generators.

If you don’t know what to do just get your initials, some colors and good to go! If it works for Bill Gates, it probably works for you.

Adding Comments (*)

Adding comments is a tricky part. This is the thing, you can’t add comments in a static website. That’s it, end of story.

There are two ways out of it:

  1. Either we store the comments in yet another server
  2. Or we somehow change the GitHub repo with every comment. That’s what we are going to do!

You might find here a larger description of possibilities.

At the time of writing two possibilities of the first kind stand out:

  • Disqus has a free tier but it is bloated with adds, cookies and trackers.
  • Commento. If does not have a free option but it is open source and you can host it yourself. It would be a fantastic match for us if we were to host the blog ourselves.

I would really want to try Commento. Looks slick, not bloated and it is written in the beautiful language that is go, same as Hugo!

Only one of the second kind:

  • Utterances. It’s free, no ads, no trackers and it’s based on GitHub! Let’s use this one.

